
Fr Oliver Holt OSB and all the parishioners of St Gregory the Great  in Stratford-upon-Avon welcome you to our parish website.

Masses this weekend 18/19 January 2025 will take place at Our Lady of Peace, Shottery.

      • Saturday 5.30pm will take place at Our Lady of Peace, Shottery
      • Sunday 11.15am will all take place at Our Lady of Peace, Shottery

Address: Our Lady of Peace, Church Lane, Shottery, CV37 9HQ

 This weeks newsletter link  Mass times link Parish Calendar link  Donate link.

World Day celebration on Saturday 15th March, partly themed around St Patrick’s Day but with elements of all nationalities.  More information soon.

St Stephen’s Day Mass photographs https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBWfys

Fr Oliver’s Induction Mass (14 December 2024)  news story linkPhotographs: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBV2Ca

St Gregory’s livestreaming:   link   

Virtual photo tour: link

Useful Information: 

Parish HistoryWelcome to our ChurchAbout our Church

Welcome to our Church  Parish History   About our Church

Email address:  stgregorytg.sua@rcaob.org.uk Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/stgregorysua

Parish Mission Statement: Love, Care, Share.  ‘We aim to show Christ by loving God, our neighbour and each other and to serve all, particularly those in need.’ This is what we’re all about.

Parish Pastoral Council link

St Vincent de Paul Society

We would remind you that we are here and can be contacted in the usual way through the parish office telephone number 01789 292439  Email: stgregorysua@btconnect.com or alternatively call 07980553298.

Parish Bereavement team

The Parish Bereavement team offer a confidential service and are trained in listening, and have a commitment to and understanding of the grieving process.   Please call directly to a team member on 07592 572978 or email:  stgregorysbt@gmail.com.