Mass Times & Intentions

St Gregory’s – Mass times & Intentions

  • Saturday 22 March 5:30pm Fran & John Dicastiglione (Jayne & Dan) at St Gregory’s.
  • Sunday 23 March 11:15am People of the Parish at St Gregory’s. 1pm Polish Mass. 4pm Staions of the Cross.
  • Monday 24 March 9:30am Communion Service.
  • Tuesday 25 March 9:30am Mu Johnstone (P. Richardson).
  • Wednesday 26 March 9:30am Gladys, Giuseppe & Joe Cuscito (L. Cuscito).
  • Thursday 27 March 9:30am Communion Service.
  • Friday 28 March 9:30am Bernard Malley RIP (P. Richardson).
  • Saturday 29 March 5:30pm John McKay Anniversary (Frances McKay & Family).
  • Sunday 30 March 11:15am People of the Parish. 1pm Polish Mass. 4pm Staions of the Cross.

Our Lady of Peace – Mass times & Intentions

  • Sunday 23 March 9:00am Private Intention.
  • Sunday 30 March 9:30am Norma Coleman RIP Birthday Memories (C. Wilks).

Please note: Until further notice the weekday masses and communion services will be held in the parish room behind the church (accessible through the door at the end of the ramp on the right-hand side of the church).

St Gregory’s.  Staions of the Cross 4pm Sunday during Lent. Rosary: Tuesday after 9.30am Mass/Communion Service. Exposition: Wednesday after 9:30am Mass/Communion Service. Holy Hour:  Thursday 6-7pm.  Confessions: Saturday 9.30-10.00am. No confessions on Saturday 22 March.

We Pray for the Sick and the Housebound:  Fr Bill Wilton, Veronica Wilson, Fr Michael White, Margaret Callaghan, Susan Haywood, Philip O’Neill,  Kirsty Snow, Moyra Holland, Madeleine Haines, Monica Beirne,  Doreen St Louis, P A Joseph, Joan McGarry, James Gray, Phil Kendrick, Chris White, Colin Minto, Paul Williams, Mary MacKay, Annette Harrison, John Dwan, Mary Davies, Steven Alford, Sophie Connor, Gary Denstone, Anne Hamilton, Maureen Harper, Rory Mahon, Mary McCarthy, Helena Myczko, Anne Parkinson, Margaret Young and all the sick in our hospitals, nursing homes, own homes and known to us.  Please notify the parish office when circumstances change.

We Pray for the lately deceased and their bereaved families:  Bradley Parker, Philip Badger, Tadzik Kopanski, Mary Shread, Anthea Anderson, Catherine ‘Kitty’ Walsh, Christopher Ironmonger, Veronica Hunt, Rosemary Pacione, Robert Edkins, Fran Dicastiglione, Teresa Valentino, Cristina Valentino, Phil Gillespie, Mary Allen, Seafield Grant, Joan Banner, Dr Paul Gorner, Susan Scanlon, Mike Lowe, Jessie Lawrence, Barbara Ashfield, Agnes Garfield.

Anniversaries next week: Emily Anderson, Anthony Bailey, Mary Bowman, George Murphy, Francis Featherstone, Denise James, John Taylor, Jennifer Harrison, Mary Taylor, Lyliane Holtom, Margaret O’Gara, Maureen McNally, Janie Moore, Jean Igoe, Mary Owen, Bronislawa Juszczyk, Eileen Smart, Saverio Albanese, Daphne Woodward.